I want to see better solidarity between trans and Mad movements. I want the critique of psychiatry to support trans people’s needs, and I want trans people to learn from what they share with other psychiatric survivors and service-users…. more
Tag: mental health
Understanding the identity of lived experience researchers and providers
The review found themes related to identity development, through the acronym of the EMERGES framework, a novel finding of the review. Themes of Empowerment, Motivation, Empathy of the self and others, Recovery model and medical model, Growth and Transformation, Exclusion and Survivor roots were found…… more
State violence and distress: the false separation between migrant justice and mental health
The immigration system is violent by design and attacks the minds, bodies, spirits of migrants, particularly those forcibly displaced and seeking safety…. more
Book Review – The Colour of Madness: Mental Health and Race in Technicolour
“Whether this book lands in the hands of practitioners or public library users, this thought-provoking volume might plant a wilful seed of dissent or create a thirst for transformation.”… more
Reimagining Safety Beyond Safeguarding
“When stuff gets really serious” is exactly the moment that liberatory and emancipatory practices are most needed, especially in relation to suicidality. Most safeguarding models operate in the opposite direction…. more
Barriers to Mental Health Support for People of Colour and Migrants
The common refrain “mental health does not discriminate” might be intended to remind us that anyone can experience mental distress, but it doesn’t do justice to the fact that mental distress is political…. more
Lived experience work: anti-racism & mental health (podcast)
Kadra Abdinasir and António Ferreira talk to Amy Wells from NSUN about lived experience work at the intersections of anti-racism… more
Eating Disorder Treatment is Broken, and Only Abolition Can Fix It
In 1973, two IRA volunteers, sisters Marian and Dolours Price, began a hunger strike to protest their treatment by the… more