Services must work reflexively with people to be truly ‘trauma-informed’. Sticking to strict procedures prevents them tailoring their approach to create the safety and care people really need, causing extra harm instead of the help they promise…. more
Tag: mental health
NSUN’s August 2023 articles & blogs roundup
“Here are all the articles, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts we’ve shared in our weekly bulletins this month. The main focus of this section in our bulletin is to share new, first person pieces written or made by people within and beyond our membership.”… more
Turning toward the people who are not safe
It isn’t in our power to save every human being, but it is in our power to nurture that essence, that turning towards us with the will to stay alive…. more
Gaslit & Dismissed: The Truth for Chronically Ill and Neurodivergent Patients
The NHS promotes mental health for both its staff and patients but there seems to be a huge disconnect between their promotion and their practice. … more
Surviving Restrictive and Least Restrictive Practice: ‘Hold me up, don’t hold me down’
I believe the solution cannot be found without structural change within services. We need policy makers to sit back and listen, carefully…. more
I don’t want a seat at your table: co-production in mental health services
As a consequence of the involvement and co-production agenda – or arguably, as a consequence of the co-option of it – it seems that things are stalling…… more
NSUN’s July 2023 articles & blogs roundup
“Here are all the articles, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts we’ve shared in our weekly bulletins this month. The main focus of this section in our bulletin is to share new, first person pieces written or made by people within and beyond our membership.”… more
Creativity and Mental Health: Still Ill Corona Diary (Podcast)
Monique Jackson, creator of Still Ill: Corona Diary talks to Gabrielle Johnson from NSUN about the power of art to build community, understanding and awareness…. more
NSUN’s June 2023 articles & blogs roundup
“Here are all the articles, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts we’ve shared in our weekly bulletins this month. The main focus of this section in our bulletin is to share new, first person pieces written or made by people within and beyond our membership.”… more
NSUN’s May 2023 articles & blogs roundup
“Here are all the articles, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts we’ve shared in our weekly bulletins this month. The main focus of this section in our bulletin is to share new, first person pieces written or made by people within and beyond our membership.”… more
An interview with Survivors’ Poetry Events Coordinator, Debbie McNamara
“We experience relief & gratitude in sharing our work… people get to meet others from around the world who become friends & allies, our struggles become collective, we heal each other with our words & songs, we overcome the fragmentation & alienation caused by trauma, we use our poetry to manage overwhelming emotions & make sense of our experiences, to document extraordinary times in our lives, to revisit difficulty with new eyes, to celebrate where we have reached, to tell our stories; we revive hope.”… more
‘Being with’ not ‘doing to’: violence, harm, and police involvement in mental health services
Read NSUN’s chapter in ‘Holding Our Own: A guide to non-policing solutions to serious youth violence’ … more