NSUN is not a mental health service or support provider. We also do not currently have the resource or expertise to provide advocacy and formal advice or individual casework and legal support. You can find information about providers of these services below.
This page also lists lots of other services, resources, and sources of information and support on a range of mental health related topics (including information on other user-led mental health groups).
If you would like help with being signposted to the right place, if you’re a user-led group looking for advice or support about running your group, or if you have suggestions for resources to add (please note: we aim to only add free to access resources), get in touch with us at info@nsun.org.uk.
In order, this page contains the following sections:
- Mental health support & services
- Advice, information & advocacy services
- Other services, resources & support (including around complaints about care, human rights and legal advice, benefits, support for user-led groups, and information on involvement/co-production)
- Other user-led groups/DPOs and similar organisations (including those focussing on lived experience work and other organisations in the critical mental health space)
The listing of an organisation, service, or resource on this page is not an endorsement or recommendation. All links are external and NSUN is not responsible for their content.
We know that many of us have negative experiences seeking support from mental health services and similar organisations which may be listed on this page (or signposted to in directories or webpages linked to from this page), however, we have tried to bring together as many options as possible for people to consider and decide whether they may be helpful for themselves and their current situations.
1. Mental health support & services
- The NHS’s webpage on mental health services, including urgent support
- Mental health service signposting pages: Mind, Diversity and Ability & Helplines Partnership
- Hub of Hope’s directory of support services & groups
- Asylum Magazine’s list of resources/sources of support, including ‘alternatives’
- Rethink’s signposting page for their local support groups, services & telephone advisors
- Self-injury Support’s list of services providing support around self-harm
- The Hearing Voices Network’s directory of Hearing Voices Groups
- User-led group First Do No Harm have a guide on support for current inpatients
You can also find a list of user-led groups, some of which provide peer support, in section 4 (below).
2. Advice, information & advocacy services
Advice/information services
- The Patients Association helpline for guidance around health and social care
- Mind’s information and legal lines and Rethink’s advice and information line for guidance about rights, complaints, advocacy etc relating to mental health
- Citizens Advice (and/or AdviceUK’s and Advicelocal’s directories of local advice centres) for guidance on a range of topics such as benefits, money, and housing
- Article 39 for guidance on children’s rights relating to institutional settings
- NSUN’s Keeping Control resource, available in 10 different languages, provides guidance on what do you if you have experienced abuse or hate crime due to mental ill-health, distress and trauma
You can also use the drop down menus in section 3 (below) to find more information and advice services, including information about making complaints about care.
Advocacy services
- VoiceAbility
- The Advocacy People
- CSNSL (South London)
Advocacy services usually provide a range of support in different contexts, but most are able to provide Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) to people detained under the Mental Health Act or being treated under a community treatment order.
3. Other services, resources & support
Complaints/challenges about care
- Concerns about NHS care – NHS information webpage
- The Patient Advice and Liaison Service deals with issues with NHS care and complaints
- Complain about the use of the Mental Health Act (via the Care Quality Commission)
- Mind have an area of their website called legal rights, which contains a section on complaining about health and social care
- Healthwatch also have a webpage explaining how to make complaints about NHS or social care bodies
- For information on making legal challenges (this is different to making a complaint): Mind’s legal challenge page and Rethink’s rights and restrictions website section which includes information on complaints and legal challenges such as clinical negligence claims
- For information on the mental health system and accountability, user-led group First Do No Harm have a guide on the system and where accountability lies
- INQUEST, a charity providing casework around the investigation of state related deaths (including in mental health settings), can be contacted via their website. They also provide a directory of other sources of advice and support in related areas
- Some local Law Centres may be able to help with problems around care
See also: “Human rights/mental health related law and legal advice” (drop down menu, below) and advocacy services (section 2, above).
Human rights/mental health related law and legal advice
- Mind’s Legal Line for legal information and advice on mental health related law – and/or the legal rights section of their website
- Rethink’s rights and restrictions section of their website, including “NHS treatment – your rights“
- Liberty’s Advice and Information section of their website and their “I need a lawyer” page
- Local Law Centres
- Disability Law Service (free legal advice on care, employment, housing, benefits etc)
- LawWorks (free legal advice)
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- The Equality Advisory and Support Service
- British Institute of Human Rights resources: Changing Mental Health Law, The Right to Life, Embedding Human Rights in Mental Health Services: A Tool For Staff, and the CAMHS project resources (guide to rights in CAMHS)
See also: “Complaints/challenges about care” (drop down menu, above) and advocacy services (section 2, above).
Help with finance, welfare claims or appeals, and benefits
- Rethink’s money, benefits, and mental health page
- Mind’s claiming benefits information page
- Citizens Advice
- Scope’s advice and support hub
- Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
- Mental Health and Money Advice
- How to win a PIP appeal
- WCA info: help for advisers assisting people to make a new claim for benefit on the basis of their incapacity for work, and in challenging decisions to refuse, or award a lower rate of, the benefit
- Diversity and Ability’s Access to Work guide (AtW is a grant that funds practical support to help people start work, stay in work, or move into self-employment)
- Diversity and Ability’s Disabled Student Allowance grant guide
- Turn2Us support including Benefits Calculator, PIP Helper tool and Grants Search – you can use the benefits calculator below:
Healthcare/mental healthcare groups and forums
- Mental Health Forum (peer support forum)
- The Independent Mental Health Network
- Care Opinion
- Health Talk Online
- Mind’s Side By Side Forum
- Health Boards
- Survivor History Group
- The Patient Experience Library – project that brings together the whole of the UK’s qualitative literature on patient experience
- Spokz People Community & Wellbeing Programme: aims to enable more disabled people to access disability-affirming psychological support. Please note that their membership fee is £50 a year or £5 a month, but they offer a 30 day free trial and membership grants available for people who need them.
Support for user-led groups
- Our “Resources for Groups” page, with links to other NSUN resources
- Our “Funding for Groups” page
- Our “Support for Member Campaigns & Policy Work” page
- Disability Rights UK’s Disabled People’s Organisations support hub: guidance notes on areas such as funding, governance & recruitment
- The Charity Excellence Framework: digital toolkit & funder database
- NCVO’s support for small charities & voluntary organisations web area: guidance/resource pages & small charity helpdesk
- The Edge Fund’s resources page: fundraising, campaigning & organising
- The Social Change Agency: money management
- Charity Commission webpage: template charitable constitutions
- Co-operatives UK webpage: model governing documents for co-ops
- VCSE support/infrastructure organisations: these exist regionally, e.g. Manchester Community Central, providing resources, templates & toolkits on issues such as governance, finance, safeguarding & GDPR. Local CVS (Council for Voluntary Services) organisations may also be of use. You can find local infrastructure organisations via NAVCA’s website
Groups that do mental health ward inpatient visits (London)
We would really like to add to this list and expand it beyond London. Please contact us if you know of any other groups doing this type of work.
Resources on “service user involvement” and co-production
If you are looking for resources, information and publications on service user involvement and co-production, including information and guidance about the implications on benefits of paid involvement work, visit our “Service Involvement & Influencing” page. If you are an organisation looking to do involvement and co-production, and are looking for help in setting this up, running it, or evaluating it, we recommend the services of user-led organisation Shaping Our Lives.
4. Other user-led groups/DPOs and similar organisations
Lived experience-led mental health groups and DPOs
User-, community- or lived experience-led groups and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) may carry out a wide range of activities such as campaigning, providing services such as peer support and mutual aid, providing consultancy/training, and carrying out research. Here are some examples of groups in our network:
- NSUN’s three hosted projects, Synergi, misery and North East Together
- Not The Void
- Shaping Our Lives
- Antinormality Club
- Not Alone Collective
- MadCovid
- First Do No Harm
- Adira
- Traumascapes
- Alternatives to Suicide UK
- Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service
- Recovery In The Bin
- Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People
- Mental Health Liberation Network
- Hearing Voices Network
- Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living
- Voice Collective
- Taraki
- Make Space
- Self-injury Support
- Independent Mental Health Network (local branches in South West)
- Wish
- Survivor Researcher Network
- Disabled People Against Cuts
- Campaign for Psychiatric Abolition
- Changes Bristol
- Shaping Our Lives also have a directory of user-led organisations and user groups and you can find a map of DPOs (Disabled Peoples’ Organisations) here
- If you are in the US, you might want to have a look at Project LETS.
Organisations focussing on lived experience workforce
The following groups work with a specific focus on the lived experience workforce/”lived experience leadership” (i.e. for people working in lived experience/peer roles in organisations such as the NHS). They may be useful for both “lived experience leaders” and organisations that have “lived experience leadership” roles.
- Peer Hub
- Lived Experience Advisory Directory (LEAD)
- LXP Revolution
- International Peer Leadership Network
- With-you
Other organisations in the UK critical mental health space
There are lots of other organisations (which may or may not be fully or partially user-led) working, campaigning, and researching in what gets called the “critical” or “alternative” mental health spaces in the UK, some of which are listed below. They are focussed broadly on critical analysis and challenge of mainstream models and approaches towards mental health.
- Asylum Magazine
- Just Treatment’s Mad Youth Organise campaign
- Communities for Holistic, Accessible, Rights Based Mental Health (CHARM), Manchester
- Service User Research Enterprise and ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health at King’s College London
- Soteria Network UK
- Critical and Creative Approaches to Mental Health Practice (CCrAMHP), Lancaster
- Hearing Voices Network
- Compassionate Mental Health
- Mad in the UK
- International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis UK
- Spiritual Crisis Network
- International Mad Studies Journal (worldwide)