Services & Support Directory

NSUN is not a mental health service/support provider. We also do not have the resource/expertise to provide advocacy and formal advice or individual casework and legal support. You can find information about providers of these services below.

This page also lists lots of other services, resources, and sources of information and support on a range of mental health related topics (including information on other user-led mental health groups).

If you would like help with being signposted to the right place, or if you have suggestions for resources to add (please note that we aim to only add free to access resources), get in touch with us at

The listing of an organisation or resource on this page is not an endorsement. All links are external and NSUN is not responsible for their content.

In order, this page contains the following sections:

  1. Mental health support & services
  2. Advice & advocacy services
  3. Other services, resources & support (including drop-downs containing information around complaints about care, human rights and legal advice, benefits, support for user-led groups, and information on involvement/co-production)
  4. Other user-led groups doing e.g. campaigning or peer support (including those focussing on lived experience workers)

1. Mental health support & services

2. Advice & advocacy services

Advice/information services:

Advocacy services providing access to advocates for people detained under the Mental Health Act:

3. Other services, resources & support

Complaints/legal challenges about care

See also: “Human rights/mental health related law and legal advice” (drop down menu below).

Human rights/mental health related law and legal advice
Help with finance, welfare claims or appeals, and benefits
Healthcare/mental healthcare groups and forums
Support for user-led groups
Groups that do mental health ward inpatient visits (London)

We would really like to add to this list and expand it beyond London. Please contact us if you know of any other groups doing this type of work.

Resources on “service user involvement” and co-production

If you are looking for resources, information and publications on service user involvement and co-production, including information and guidance about the implications on benefits of paid involvement work, visit our “Service Involvement & Influencing” page. If you are an organisation looking to do involvement and co-production, and are looking for help in setting this up, running it, or evaluating it, we recommend the services of user-led organisation Shaping Our Lives.

4. Other community/user-led mental health organisations and DPOs

User-led groups and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) may carry out a wide range of activities such as campaigning, providing services such as peer support and mutual aid, providing consultancy/training, and carrying out research. Here are some examples of groups in our network:

The following lived-experience-led groups work specifically on support around workforce “Lived Experience Leadership” (i.e. for people working in lived experience/peer roles in organisations such as the NHS). They may be useful for both “Lived Experience Leaders” and organisations that have “Lived Experience Leadership” roles.

There are lots of other organisations (which may or may not be fully or partially user-led) working, campaigning, and researching in what get called “critical” or “alternative” mental health spaces in the UK, some of which are listed below: