Members’ bulletin

This page contains information about the bulletin and our submission guidelines.

If you are a member or an individual/organisation wanting to share something with our membership by placing an item in our bulletin, please read the submission guidelines below (especially if you are submitting a request to share an involvement opportunity or job/volunteer post) and then contact us at

To subscribe to our weekly bulletin, become a member for free.

Recent e-bulletins

What is the NSUN bulletin?

The NSUN bulletin is a weekly mailing sent to the membership (usually on Mondays) containing updates from NSUN, blogs and articles, events and news, opportunities for involvement and influencing, recruitment for jobs or volunteering positions in the sector, and funding pots for user-led groups.

The NSUN bulletin is my number one way of keeping up to date with what is happening in the lived experience/survivor “world” and keeping me connected.

The bulletin is one of the best sources of information for user led and radical mental health thinking and organizing that I have come across.

cartoon people in shades of blue, yellow, pink and white

Feedback from NSUN members

Items are sourced from within and beyond the membership and focus on the mental health lived experience space. Its purpose is to:

  • Share articles/blogs/vlogs/podcasts, events and news, involvement opportunities such as surveys/calls for research participants, jobs, and funding for groups
  • Share NSUN’s work/news, as well as opportunities with NSUN
  • Link up and network members (including connecting individuals to groups and vice versa)
  • Amplify members’ work or campaigns
  • Reach those without social media.

Submission guidelines

We get a very high number of requests to include items, and we limit the number of items in each section to ensure the bulletin is of a manageable length and readable to members. This means that we cannot accept every request to place an item in the bulletin.

Overall, we prioritise survivor-led or lived experience-led items, and may not be able to run items that do not meet this description. We can usually only run a particular item for a maximum of two weeks (space permitting – sometimes we may only be able to include it in one bulletin). Please let us know if you only want your item to be run for one week.

We reserve the right to not publish all items submitted. We may not be able to enter into correspondence with you about why your item was not included.

Submitting an item

The bulletin is split into categories of items every week. Please find below the specific submission guidelines for items in each category. After reading these, to submit an item to the bulletin, please email us at with a (roughly) 100-200 word summary for the item. Please note that we can hyperlink to webpages but we can not add file or image attachments, and the item needs to be in plaintext form for accessibility reasons.

1. Articles, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts 

  • In this section, we aim to include a maximum of six articles/blogs etc per week. 
  • The main focus of this section is first person pieces written or made by people with lived experience of mental ill-health, trauma, or distress, or of marginalisation that intersects with mental health.
  • We may include articles/blogs that are of note or interest to members that are not explicitly written or made by someone with lived experience – usually this will be articles about news/relevant policy developments.
  • We will not include articles/blogs etc. that offer direct advice (though we may make exceptions in circumstances where we feel confident that the advice would not have potentially harmful unintended consequences), or that are ultimately intended to sell products or services.

2. Events and membership news

  • In this section, we aim to include a maximum 13 items per week. 
  • We prioritise events and membership news, including campaign actions, from lived experience/user-led groups and projects rather than larger organisations or institutions.
  • We usually only share events that are free or with the option for free tickets on a sliding scale, but may make exceptions in certain circumstances e.g. if ticket costs are low and proceeds go solely to lived experience/user-led grassroots groups or initiatives.

3. Surveys and involvement opportunities 

Please carefully read the following before submitting a survey or research (or other) involvement opportunity:

  • In this section, we aim to include a maximum of five items per week. 
  • We only include surveys and involvement opportunities (such as requests for research/study participants) that 1) offer payment for participants’ time and expertise beyond expenses compensation and/or prize draws (payment should be at least in like with NIHR benchmarks, and we are unlikely to be able to place items where we consider remuneration to be too low) and/or 2) are survivor-led or lived experience-led research/projects, which means they are fully or majority-led by people with lived experience. We may consider sharing items about projects that have been genuinely co-produced, where people with lived experience have had significant and paid input into its development. If a project is lived-experience led, but not in an independent or grassroots context (e.g. it is within the NHS or a major charity or research institution) we will usually only place the item if payment is on offer.
  • This means that we may not be able to place items calling for participants for student research projects, of which we receive a very high number.
  • You must include information such as details of the commitment, exact payment and academic level of research study (e.g. BA, MA, MSc or PhD, if applicable) in your item of 100-200 words, ideally with a link to where people can find more information online.
  • We encourage researchers to offer different options for ways people could engage with/contribute to research, and ask that you supply contact details (at least an email address) for the bulletin item for people to get in touch with you about other ways to contribute if a survey, for example, is not accessible to them.
  • If there are too many requests to place items in one week, paid opportunities will be prioritised over unpaid opportunities. 

Where else might you be able to submit your request for research participants?

The following organisations may accept requests for their newsletters and other communications:

4. Jobs and recruitment 

  • In this section, we aim to include a maximum of four items per week.
  • We focus on/prioritise jobs which have direct (first hand) lived experience of mental ill-health/trauma/distress (or other closely connected experiences) at the heart of them (reflected in the person specification*), prioritising jobs in DDPOs (Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations)/user-led organisations within or connected with mental health.
  • We can only place items about unpaid/volunteering positions if they are within user-led groups/DDPOs (usually grassroots/community groups led by and for people with lived experience of mental ill-health, distress, or trauma, or other relevant experiences/identities).
  • Since for many of us, our lived experience is current, we do not place adverts for job opportunities that require “recovery” from mental ill-health/trauma/distress.
  • Within the 100-200 word job summary for the bulletin item, please provide key details such as the salary, contract type/length, location, and application deadline.

*We strongly urge organisations that are not user-led/lived experience-led but that are creating “lived experience”-focussed roles, such as within the NHS, to place direct lived experience as essential rather than desirable criteria so that people with direct experience are not disadvantaged in the selection of the successful candidate.

5. Funding 

We have moved our funding for groups section to a page on our website, but will continue to place items notifying members of new grants and funding opportunities in the bulletin when they become available. Please send us information on any grants you find that you think would be of interest to the user-led groups and organisations in the NSUN network.