Save the date
Our virtual Annual General Meeting and Members’ Event will be taking place over two days on the 29th of November and 1st December 2021. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
Creative exhibition

Last year, we put together a “virtual exhibition” of members’ creative works for our Members’ Event – click here to view the exhibition with brilliant contributions from 16 NSUN members.
We will be putting together another virtual exhibition for our 2021 AGM website, featuring creative pieces by our membership. This means we would love it if you could send in:
- Artwork: pictures of your paintings, photography, prints, embroidery, drawings, collage, digital/visual art
- Short films or animations
- Poetry: written, or you can film/record yourself doing a reading
- Original songs or music
If you have something you’d like to share, big or small, please send it (along with the name you’d like displaying, and any links to your website/Instagram etc) via email to
Usually at our in-person AGMs we have a mix of members who book a “soapbox” slot in advance with some members speaking on the day. This year for ease we are going to pre-record soapboxes again which will then be ready and available to watch whenever you want.
We would like to invite you to record yourselves (with video or just voice) on a three-minute video speaking about anything you like. You could speak about a current issue that’s really important to you or share your views on what needs to change in society to provide people with the care that they really need and deserve – but really soapboxes are a chance for you to have your say on anything you would like to have heard.
If you would like to take part, please email and we can send you more information about how to create your video. Your film will be hosted on our AGM 2021 website (more news on that imminently) and on our YouTube channel.