Complaint decisions

This is a list of complaint decisions – adjudications – by NSUN.


Wednesday 2 July 2021

We received a stage 2 complaint on 17th May 2021 that was investigated by the Chair. The complaint was partially upheld. On 29 May the individual requested the main complaint be investigated as a stage 3 complaint. 

Two trustees reviewed the investigation and it was decided that an external investigator would not be appointed. The complaint was not upheld. 

Date of adjudication: 2 July 2021

Relevant policies: NSUN Safeguarding Adults at Risk policy

We take all complaints seriously, and our complaints policy provides further details.


Wednesday 1 July 2020

We received a complaint on 28th May 2020 that has been independently investigated. The Lead Investigator has not upheld the allegations contained within this complaint.

Date of adjudication: 1 July 2020

Relevant policies: NSUN Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy 

We take all complaints seriously, and our complaints policy provides further details.